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Alphaholics Non-Anonymous Art Studios Proudly Presents...The Haitian RefuGENE we here at Alphaholics Non-Anonymous Art Studios continue to plumb the depths of a new creative direction involving our attempts to create positive depictions of people of color from the Caribbean, We're just giving you this first glimpse of a Character that we would think will have a very VENGEFUL mindset (particularly when one thinks of what her home nation has endured over a terribly tumultuous 200 years since the singular triumphs of Toussaint L'ouverture, the legendary former slave, military tactician and strategist who defeated Napoleon Bonaparte and the might of the French Empire to win this young woman's home nation's freedom...) sure to check out and like both this site as well as our official Facebook page at ... we guarantee that this is all going to get VERRRY interesting...

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